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Jewelry4All Landing Page & Ad

17 Dec

Jewelry4All Landing

I just created a mock landing page for Jewely4All website, a fictitious company that I have been working on for my Viral Marketing course!

In addition to using videos and landing pages, creating infographics and ebooks are also great ways to reach out to the audience. Being the visual person that I am, I love looking at infographics and I would choose them over ebooks. Infographics instantly grab audience’s attention because they are visual, but ebooks may have a harder time getting attention unless it has a very catchy title to it.

Jewelry4All’s campaign is really coming together. We have a video and a landing page, providing two very solid places for target audiences to reach. With its target demographic as women aged 20-50,  the video should appeal to them and bring out their emotions and compassions for children, while the sleek design and beautiful pictures of the jewelry featured on our website should grab their attention too.

To utilize an infographic, I would base the theme on staggering stats on children slavery. The infographic will show the number of children who are forced to be used as slaves for producing diamonds and other fine jewelry, and what percentage of all jewelries in the world is made with little or all of involvement of child slavery. By providing heart-wrenching statistics the infographic should appeal to its target demographic and further solidify the campaign.

I would definitely share the infographic on Jewelry4All’s landing page, follow up email, company Facebook page, as well as other social media sites such as Pinterest and LinkedIn.


Viral Video Exercise: Jewelry4All

12 Dec

As part of my Internet marketing study at Full Sail University, I have created a video that can potentially go viral by applying the lessons I learned in my Viral Marketing course.

Jewelry4All is a fictitious company that was created by two best friends with big dreams and huge hearts. Casually started as just a fun activity to kill time, the founders of Jewelry4All came upon news that their jewelry supplies are made by child slaves in parts of Asia and Africa. Shocked and horrified to discover this, they have since focused their efforts in finding ethical jewelry suppliers and educating the public to make ethical choice in jewelry purchase.

This video was created to reflect the company’s mission and is very much in alignment with Jewelry4All’s brand story. The video connects to other storytelling methods as the company proactively utilizes social media such as Facebook and Twitter to inform and educate jewelry buyers to choose ethically.

The video will connect well with the brand demographic and psychographic, who are married women in their 20s through 50s. They will most likely be very sympathetic to unethical practices and their emotions will respond almost immediately once they see the pictures of children on the video.

The disturbing nature of the video will attract people of differnet cultures and the utilization of different social media will create engagement and interactivity from the community, allowing the video to gain more viewership quickly.

Sharing this video will allow the public to gain further insight into unethical jewelry making process and establish Jewelry for All as a company with a bigger purpose.

Enjoy and please feel free to share your thoughts.

Am I Pinteresting?

5 Dec

First there was MySpace, then Facebook and Twitter, and now people seem to be all over Pinterest and other bookmarking sites.

I have known about Pinterest for a long time through all the buzz out there, but I have not yet gotten myself to use it myself. Considering that I was about 2 years behind everyone on adapting to Facebook, and 4 years behind on Twitter, my guess is that I will be pretty late in adapting to Pinterest. Being a perfectionist and a careful observer, I don’t like jumping into things so quickly.

But from what I have seen I think Pinterest can be a terrific marketing tool for businesses. Companies with visually appealing products such as mobile phones and cupcakes can utilize Pinterest to promote their products easily and effectively. Because Pinterest is part of the social media trend, I think it appeals mostly to teenagers and young adults, and because the site is all about pretty pictures, it should appeal predominantly to women.

Well, unless you are a lazy perfectionist like me, what are you waiting for? Go get an account set up! Happy Pinteresting!

The Facebook Graph API

30 Jul

Facebook has certainly changed the way we communicate with others these days. Facebook Graph API is something that I have just come to learn about. Before I go int to that, allow me to define what an API is. An API is basically a software program that has a set of particular rules and specifications to serve as an interface between a computer and the user.

Not considering where the interaction actually takes, either on or other external websites and devices, the open source API has dramatically changed the way we do business on the web.

In case of Facebook, the Graph API offers a view of Facebook, which represents users and their connections in a uniform way. Each person, photo, event, or page on Facebook is taken a deeper look through the Facebook API. Activities such as the content we shared, the like we made are all tracked and can be accessed by businesses and marketing professionals. This is an extremely valuable information to understand consumer habits.

With the use of API, you can access all public information about a user. All you need to ensure is that information is publicly available. This allows your friends to see your likes and video uploads in their Facebook news feeds. This is great because it is easier to join the site. It is a terrific way for your business to build branding. Your brand will only get recognition if you put the effort to put it out there as much as possible.

Just yesterday, I used Facebook to claim a coupon from my favorite cupcake bakery, Sprinkles Cupcakes. I love Sprinkles Cupcakes but I never “liked” their page. I found it out through the news feed because it showed that one of my friends claimed a “buy one get one free” coupon from Sprinkles. It looked like this:

Sprinkles Cupcakes never ever runs deals like this so I immediately claimed the coupon. I received the coupon by e-mail. I logged back into Facebook a few hours later and found that my cousin, my best friend, and my husband all claimed the coupon after they saw my activity on their news feeds. This is such an incredible for businesses to use social media and Facebook API to spread the news about their business.

So above is just a great idea of how by using API that is available in Facebook. Another feature of the Graph API is the use of O Autho 2.0. When you sign into another webpage that offers Facebook connect, you are utilizing the Facebook Graph API. Sites like allows you to log into their website using your Facebook log in information.

Facebook has changed the way we communicate and share the information across the web and its Graph API is a tool that has dramatically increased the speed of this phenomenon. I am excited to see what more change it will bring in the future.

Related Articles:

Wrangling with the Facebook Graph API

Facebook’s Graph API: The Future of Semantic Web

Fun jQuery exercise!

16 Jul

Wow, I can’t believe I am actually learning how to code websites!

As part of my Internet Marketing program at Full Sail University, this week I had the opportunity to learn how to modify a jQuery script. I used this free application called jsFiddle, which provides a simple, intuitive GUI that allowed me to access different examples of jQuery scripts, modify HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Here is my final outcome:

I chose this jQuery to practice because I use Twitter to communicate with my customers at work and it will be cool to implement this onto our website.

What I don’t want to forget about this blog…

30 Jan

This is one of those “for my own record” type of thing. I have some ideas about the blog and I want to make sure I wrote them down somewhere so I wouldn’t forget… So here goes:

I am planning to use this blog as a special place to chronicle four most important roles in my life:

1. Marketer (My Profession)

2. Musician (My Avocation)

3. Mom (My Family)

4. Minister (My Spirituality)

The 4 roles above also reflect my lifelong MISSIONS.

Blog Idea #1 – Marketer

  • Becoming a world-renowned marketer is my lifelong mission. I am going to use the blog to share interesting marketing information that I come across, especially what I am learning at Full Sail.
  • I am currently working full-time at my company where my primarily responsibility is marketing. I can use this blog to share highlights and special events at my company.

Blog Idea #2 – Musician

  • I am a classically trained musician (concert flutist) and I actively participate in local concerts, musicals and events. I can use the blog to promote these upcoming events and discuss my experiences.
  • I strongly support fine arts education in all school levels due to my personal experience. I would have dropped out of high school if I was not involved in music. I can use the blog to share with others about my past experiences and voice my opinion about importance in fine arts ed.

Blog Idea #3 – Mom

  • I am a brand new mom, and my twenty-one month old son (as of Jan 2012) teaches me new things every day! I can use this blog to share with others about new things I am learning as a new mom. I can already think about a few funny stories!
  • Nowadays all moms are incredibly busy. I am one of them. Being a mom really has forced me to learn some discipline and think of some creative ways to ensure that the time I spend with my family is as fun as can be! I can use this blog to share some things that work for me (and failed miserably).

Blog Idea #4 – Minister 

  • I am a born-again Christian and I have begun a new relationship with God in a whole different way after I nearly lost myself from a severe depression.
  • I can use the blog to chronicle my new life as a born-again Christian which may prove helpful others who are struggling and are looking for some encouraging words on the Internet.
  • I am also actively involved in several ministries at my church that I can share with others.